Sunday, April 24, 2011

air traffic controller naps

Hello folks,  I'll be changing the name of my site to "Goonions.'  For the unenlightened, this is a cross betweeen goons and unions.  So, the air traffic controller's union wants paid naps for their members.  If they are working alone in a tower, who will wake them up at the end of their, "fatigue prevention technique?"  If they need a nap they must be,"horizontally challenged", that is too lazy to get off their butt.
I worked a 21-turn schedule for 8 years.  We rotated shifts every week which is worse than working steady nights. So you need not whine to me about how tough it is to work shifts. If you fell asleep you were terminated - sinple as that.   If these controllers are given paid nap time you can mark my words that in their next contract they will demand pay for accumulated unused nap time the same as they get paid for unused sick days. There is no end to the entitlements unless there are more people like the Governor  in Wisconsin who is willing to stand up to the union leadership and put a stop to these ridiculous demands.